Saturday, 19 October 2024

THE PEOPLE'S COURT. My Lord you shot yourself on the foot!

                            FICTION! FICTION! FICTION!!!

JUDGE: Mr Okomo, can you tell this honourable court why you shouldn't be convicted and jailed 21 years for been unpatriotic to your country?
Because you are aware that the suspect was defrauding the government by stealing from the nation's treasury but you kept quiet saying that nothing concerns you. Guilty or not guilty?

ACCUSED: My Lord, l am not guilty at all. 
I brought an allegation against a man in this your court and instituted a charge of lying on oath and unpatriotic to the country. I said that the man was parading a fake certificate and a higher degree because the university he alleged to have attended was the same university l attended. The year he alleged to have graduated was the same year l graduated and the course he also alleged to have studied was the same with mine. I never saw him in that department once. 

But you struck out my petition on the ground that l don't have the right and locos tandi to institute a petition against him because l didn't participate in the election eventhough we are in the same political party.
Also l don't have the right or LOCOS TANDI to report a man who was doing his private stealing from the government.
QED. I am discharged and acquitted! 
Give me the hammer to hit the table because you judges are destroying the laws of this country.

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