Friday 13 September 2024


There was this very beautiful lady who just graduated from one of the tertiary institutions. She was a paragon of beauty! One day, she went to visit one of her friends. On her way home, she was accosted by a young man.

The young man was not that handsome. He immediately fell in love with this lady as he sighted her. Without wasting time, he walked up to her and greeted her and made his intention known to her. 

Obviously the lady didn't love him. The man on his part only loved the beauty of this lady not the lady in person. He just hope to sleep with her for a while and later dump her. The lady on her part too, only loved the guy's money. She hope to squeeze some reasonable amount of money from him and then dump him.

The guy went to a herbalist and got a love portion which he used on the lady. The lady too did the same thing to him. 

O' boy! Come and see love in Tokyo. Both of them became entangled in an unbreakable and unshakable web of love!
A year later, the guy has had enough of her and the lady too has had enough money from the guy.

The guy then defiles his charm's law and the love which he had for the lady all the while vanished! The lady also did the same thing. The guy then said to her, "My dear, my love for you has suddenly vanished. I no longer love you".

And the lady said to him, "l think both of us should go to meet the native doctor and tell him that the charms have failed" And the guy said, "What charms?" And lady answered him, "You know and l know. No need to pretend.
That thing which you know, l know it too".

LADY: If not because of the love portion, how would l have allowed a dirty stinking ugly pig like you to see my nakedness and lie on me?
It is an abomination at its peak!

GUY: You are right. Because if not because of the love portion, how would l have allowed a bloody mercenary prostitute of your type to enjoy my hard earned money thereby reaping a bountiful harvest where you didn't sow.
You that boys normally sleep with for just five hundred naira. 


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