Tuesday 24 September 2024

GBAGBOS LIVE NO DUPLICATE! 'It is always difficult to recognise the king under the cover of darkness'.

There was this twenty two years old bachelor.
One night he felt so lonely and so he decided to get a lady.
He went to a brothel and got a very young looking lady.
The lady dressed to kill. He picked her and both of them went home to pass the night. She told him that her name was Carolina.

She became his regular customer. Every night she comes by 10pm and leaves by 5am. At the brothel, they have both blue, green and red bulbs light.  These were the same type of bulbs the guy also had at home. She always looks cute and pretty looking under these colour bulbs.

One Sunday, the guy was celebrating his twenty second birthday anniversary and he invited his midnight lover to come over. He had already told his friends about her and boasted about her beauty and her excellent bed performances. They became envious of him eventhough they have not seen her but based on his description.

The compound was filled to capacity with his friends. They were all waiting anxiously for the arrival of the much talked about paragon of beauty. The guy felt very proud and satisfied. The ample of his eyes would soon show up! His Jewel of inestimable value would soon caught his friends' eyes by a surprise!

Thirty minute later, an elderly woman in her late 70s walked into the compound. The MC welcomed her: Our mummy of the day just arrived now. I supposed she is the grandmother of the celebrant. Mummy you are highly welcome ma.

She was ushered to the high table and she took her seat in a dignified manner.
At about 5pm, the guy became extremely impatient!
"Why would this lady do this to him today of all days?" He queried himself. 

When  the party was getting closer to its end, the guy then sent a lady to call the elderly woman to come into the parlour. When she came inside, the guy was all alone.
And he said to her, "Grandma, l am sorry that l didn't know you. There are lots of my uncles and aunts from both my paternal and maternal sides which l don't know and l believed you are one of them. You are welcome ma".

And she said, "What do you mean that l am your grandmother or an aunt of yours whom you don't know?
Am l not your sweetheart, Carolina? Don't you know me again?"

And he exclaimed. "Oh, skeleton, where is thy bones! 
Oh, bones, where is thy skeleton!
Oh, dried bones, why did you rise again!
And he collapsed!

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