Thursday, 28 March 2024


                            BEFORE AND NOW.


AGNES: Mama Christopher, nor just worry yourself about all the nonsense wey your pinkin Christopher dey do so. I go take you go the barracks where l dey sell banana go see two of my customers. Sergeant Bulama and Sergeant Mugun.
You go just give their Oga cigar money and them, drink money. Ten minutes, Christopher go confess witch.
Only two kick and two koboko, him body go tell am.

                              LATER THAT DAY:

Oga, officer, l go hear word! 
I take God beg you, officer, na die l dey.
I swear, l nor go thief again. I go respect my papa and mama Sir. My body don peel finish, l beg, you officer.

                          AN HOUR LATER:

MAMA CHRISTOPHER: My Sister, Agnes, na true you talk O. He don see wetin pass am and him body don come down. Thank you my sister.

AGNES: Na wah for you O
Anybody who mess up with me, na sergeant Bulama and sergeant Mugun naim l dey take deal with am.

C.O: Madam, what are you here in this barracks to do?

MAMA CHRISTOPHER and AGNES: Sir, sir. Em-Em-Em, Sir. We-We are-are here to take some soldiers sir. There are some guys that have been troubling us and we need some soldiers to deal with them.

C.O: Madam, l am closing my two eyes. Before l will open them, if both of you are still here, l will personally shoot you to death.
You want to take my soldiers to town so that bloody civilians will slaughter them. Nonsense.

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