Tuesday 13 June 2023


One evening, a young man came to his father and said, "Dad, l don't think l Will still go ahead with my plans to marry that girl l told you about. Imagine the humiliation l got from her father. He slapped me on my jaw".

FARTHER: My son, relax. You just started. It is said that a child must live a double life of his or her parents.
Do you know what l passed through when l was chasing after your mother? Her father gave me ten slaps, five blows on my chest. He locked me up inside toilet for four hours.

Since it is said that a child must live twice that of his or her parents, means that since, l your father was slapped ten times, you will be slapped twenty times. Since l your father was given five blows, you should expect ten blows. Since l, your father was locked up in the toilet for four hours, expect yours to be eight days. So my son, you have not even started.

SON: Dad, what do you expect me to do now?

FATHER: Go back to him and turn your other jaw and tell him to continue slapping you while you count.
Open your chest for him to continue blowing you while you count and finally tell him to lock you up inside toilet for eight days.

And the son collapsed.

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