Thursday 1 June 2023


There was this private company which has up to sixty workers. Whenever the management put out its employment advert, they always say that they pay their workers promptly and handsomely too.

But they actually suffered their workers as they groan under the pains of salary delay. When they have owed up to three months, they would pay for one month and owe two.
The workers were plagued with economic hardship due to the delay in their salary. But there was nothing they could do and so they just endured.

Now, there was a big television set on the restroom of the company where anybody who has no job at hand can go and sit down and watch programs. The television set was always on.

One morning, a certain program came on air. A group of lawyers and retired judges who came together and formed a certain legal organization to help those who are been oppressed by either their landlords or their employers was featured.

The group called on any of the aforementioned victims to take the ample opportunity they were offering the public to enforce their rights. They promised to deal ruthlessly with any landlord or employer who is found waning.When the workers heard that such a program was on, they abandoned whatever works they were doing and ran down to listen to the program. When they have listened to it, they decided to give it a trial.

When the company's director drove to the gate, he blew the horn of his car severally but no security guards at the gate to open the gate for him and so he came down and opened the gate himself and drove in. When he got inside, he found out that all the departments were equally deserted. He soon, found all the workers inside the restroom watching television.

He asked them what was so important to them in the program for them to have abandoned whatever works they were doing to watch.
Fortunately for them, the program just ended before he came in and so they lied to him that a certain powerful prophet was healing people through a touch on the screen.

But not too long, he got the truth. The next day in the morning, he ordered the television set to be dismantled.
The surprised workers came to him and asked him why he has to remove the television set which they enjoy at their resting hours.
And he said to them: My workers. Assuming you just got married to a pretty looking lady as your wife and both of you packed to a new apartment and you immediately find out that your wife's ex boyfriend lives in the compound that you just packed in, what would you do to save your marriage?.

And they answered in unison: PACK OUT IMMEDIATELY SIR.

And he said to them, "Well done. You all have judged the case excellently and convicted yourselves accordingly. You all can now go back to your various works".

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