Sunday 28 May 2023


At the end of this story, you will definitely learn one or two things from it. 
Maaseru and six of his friends grew up in the same village, attended both primary and secondary school in it. The seven friends are always seen together both at school and on the street. From their secondary school days, six of them except Maaseru nursed the idea of travelling out of the country for greener pastures.

They started writing all sort of foreign visa examinations both physical and online. But in all these, Maaseru never joined them. He always tells them that he doesn't wants to leave his father's land, no matter the hardship.

Like the saying goes that in most cases, what you don't want comes to you while that which you so much desire doesn't come.

One day, the state education board awarded foreign scholarship for some deserving students and Maaseru happens to be one of them. The joy of his friends knew no bound. But Maaseru told them that he will never go. The visa and ticket was valid for thirty days.

His six friends were totally disappointed in him and at the same time very angry with him. Had it been they can go instead of him, it could have been better for them. They told him that if he could go, then; in due time, he can create an opportunity for them to come over one after the other. When the validity of the scholarship expired, the six friends became extremely angry with him and they decided to prove to him that the country is not as good as he terms it to be.

They planned to kill him!
They went and rent a locally made pistol to accomplish their devilish act. After the validity of the Visa, the six of them distanced themselves from him. They no longer visit him neither were they seen together as it was. People became suspicious that all was not well with them.

Some of their lady friends began to ask them on what actually happened between them. They told them how he wasted a life opportunity that could have brought them out of poverty for the rest of their life. They vow never to forgive him. 

One evening, Maaseru took a novel and headed towards the secondary school where he has turned into his library since his friends no longer associate with him. Some local vigilantes usually positioned themselves round the school in the evenings because criminals normally gather there to plan their operations. Soon, after Maaseru walks past them,  they saw his former six friends walking fast behind him.
They kept some distance so that he won't see them.

They didn't know that vigilantes were watching them.
They brought the pistol out and put a cartridge into it. One of them then held it and said to the others, "We go tell am say him sin can't be forgiven and then l go just shoot am for head and we go run".

As they moved into the school, the vigilantes who were all armed with locally made Dane guns advanced!

They saw Maaseru in one of the classrooms. They went to him and told him exactly what they had said. But before they could bring out the pistol and shoot him, the vigilantes rounded them up.

They were handed over to the police. They were reminded in an awaiting trial for four years. Later, they were granted state pardon when their case file could not be provided.

Like the saying goes that the evil ones will never stop their evil deed except when questioned by death. And so, on their way home from jail, the only thought in their mind is, "
 Maaseru must die!"
This time around, each of them got a pistol. They decided to Storm his house during the night hours, kill him and flee the town. But when Maaseru leant that they have regained their freedom, he knew that he is no longer safe. He decided to locate to a big city where they will never see him. Just then, a lady came to him and told him that he has only two days to live because his enemies have perfected his death plan.
Immediately, he went and got himself a revolver with sixty round of live ammunitions. On the said day in the evening, he opens his door and hid himself behind his house. Like an America movie titled "DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR" And he said "THIS IS KILL BEFORE YOU ARE KILLED"

At about 1:00am he saw six of them coming towards his house. All of them cladding in black robes. Each of them brought out his pistol ready to fire as they entered into his room. They didn't see him. "We are going to wait for him here. This is midnight, he can't go that far. Whether he likes it or not, today is his last day on earth. Lets see who will save him this time around", one of them said.

They sat together in dark spot and they began to smoke marijuana. " It is now or never ",Maaseru said in his mind.
He opens fire on them sporadically! He pumps the sixty live ammunitions into their bodies and he fled the village.
Till date, he was never seen again!


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