Friday 9 June 2023


There was this politician who contested for the governorship position of his state and won. After his swearing in, he came to his home to organize a party. All members of his family as well as friends and well wishers were present at the ceremony. As he stood at the front of the unprecedented crowd, his family members came out to extol him and also pray for him. Now, the below was what took place. His father was the first to come forward.

FATHER:  l am the father of the governor. I thank God and everyone of you for his victory.

MOTHER: I am the mother of the governor. I thank God and everyone of you here for his victory. He will never forget you.

WIFE: I am the wife of the governor. I thank God and everyone of you here for the successful conduct of the election and my husband's victory. My husband during his electioneering campaigns, told me that he has four major campaign promises that he must fulfill to the people.

He said that the first one is to create an office of the state first lady for me and l will be receiving salary monthly. The second one is to develop the entire state. The third one is to empower all the people who can work and those who can't work will be receiving stipends monthly. He didn't disclose the fourth one. He said that the fourth one was about his private affairs and l shouldn't worry about it.

I believed that it is also a very good idea too. Now, my advice to my husband is that he must fulfill all his electioneering campaign promises to those he made them to. A good leader must fulfill all his promises. You can only be a man when you have fulfilled your promises. I am solidly behind my husband to fulfill all his electioneering campaign promises for him to be a good leader. No exception.

DAUGHTER: I am the daughter of the governor elect. I thank each and everyone of you who made his victory a must.

Then three beautifully dressed ladies came out and said: Ladies and gentlemen, we are the side Chics of the governor elect. During his electioneering campaign, he promised to legally marry us if he wins the election and he asked us to pray for him. We did drid fasting and prayers for months and today he is the governor. We believed that as a good leader he must fulfill his electioneering campaign promises by marrying us. We thank all of you.

WIFE: Ladies and gentlemen, l am indeed sorry to have come out again. You see, when a court decides a case wrongly, the judge will correct his judgement without delay. You see, my husband; the governor can no longer fulfill all the four electioneering campaign promises he made. He will only be able to fulfill the three which he mentioned out but that of his private affairs will no longer be fulfilled. I am the first lady. He will except that one. I greet you all.

Immediately the governor's mother came out and said:

MOTHER: I am the governor's mother and my son must be a good leader. And the only thing that would makes my son a man and a good leader is for him to fulfill all his electioneering campaign promises without exception.
No going back on the fulfilment of all the four electioneering campaigns promises. My son must be a good leader, that is not negotiable.

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