Monday 19 June 2023


There was this robber whom the police chased after but they couldn't get him.
The police had to call for a reinforcement of fifty more men. The robber began to climb walls and jump ropes to obstruct the police advancement. He jumped over several high fences before he was finally caught after about twenty four hours of hot chased.

He was arraigned before a court of law. On the opening of the case in court, the investigation police officer ( IPO) told the magistrate to sentence him straight to jail terms because according to him, the robber gave them a hell of trouble when they were trying to arrest him.

He said that instead of him to run on the straight road to make his capture easier for the police, he began to run on a zigzag manner, climbing walls and ropes obstacles and jumping over wide pits and packed cars. And because of this headache he gave the police, he should immediately be sentence to jail.

And the magistrate asked the suspect what he has to say to all the weighty allegations against him by the police.

And he said, "My Lord, l am not a fool. It is only a fool that will makes himself available for the police to arrest. Why should l with my right senses make it easier for the police to arrest me? Never!

On a second thought, the police supposed to pay me for giving them the training that they lack over the years. I made them to jump walls, climbed both ropes obstacles and high fences and stationary cars. These are the obstacles training that are giving to the army in the army training depot, but l gave it to them free. 

They supposed to pay me for the obstacle training l gave them. At least, now, they know how to jump walls, climb ropes and jump pits. I made them physically strong. I am expecting a recommendation from the inspector general of police not conviction. QED".

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