Thursday 11 May 2023


There was this elderly man who traded in some traditional powdery medicine in a village. He makes a great fortune from his daily sales. Each sachet costs N500. Daily, he sells thousands of sachets. People come from far and near to buy in bulk. This medicine works in a wonderful way. It is multipurpose! Whatever ailment that you wish it to cure, it does.

One day, after selling about four thousand sachets to both individuals and wholesalers, seven armed men came to him and said, "sir, you have made a huge sales today. All we want, is for you to give us the sum of five hundred thousand naira". He told them that he has no money on him because he sells the medicine for the spirits. He told them that immediately he sells any of them, the spirits immediately take the money away from him.

They then searched him and the surroundings thoroughly but found nothing. They then believed that he was actually representing the spirits. They then left.
Three years later, this man built six mansions and two big plazas Worth a billion naira.

The arm guys became very angry with him and they went to meet him and said, " Sir, last time, you said you were selling the medicine for the spirits. But now, you have built many expensive properties from the money you realized from the sales or are you still going to tell us that the spirits also built them?

And the man said, "Exactly, the spirits did it".
They then said to him, you lie, you this bitch. If it is really true that the spirits built them, then, no human being eye would sees them because they would be invisible. You are a bloody liar".

They then pumped fifty volleys of bullets into his body. But to their amazement, not a single bullet penetrated his body. They became afraid and they said to him, 'Sir, we know that our action will definitely attracts a dire consequence and probably punishment. Is it not so?"

And the man said, "Definitely yes. The consequence is that seven of you will die at the sun fall".

They knelt down and begged him to have mercy on them.
He told them that the only remedy is for each of them to contribute ten years from their years for him. They immediately agreed and the man took seventy years from seven of them and added it to his years.

They then said to him, "Sir, now that you have taken ten years each from seven of us, as a spiritualist, how many years is left for us to live now because seven of us are aged mates. We are presently forty years each. 

The man then said to them, " Each of you has sixty years life Span. Now that you have given me ten years each, means that you people have ten years more to live.
As for me, my life span was seventy years and l have lived sixty five out of it and it remains only five more years. But now that l have added seventy years to mine, means that l have more seventy five years to live why you people have only ten more years to live. In ten years time, l will celebrate your burial ceremony and probably enjoy your wives and properties ".

They cried to him saying, " No, you were born many years before us and now you want us to die before you, why so?" 

He said to them, "it is not my fault but your stubbornness caused it". He then disappeared.

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