Thursday 11 May 2023

"I am forced to believe".

There was this man who was always of the opinion that Nigerians can equally handle arms like the Americans.
His friends always tell him that if Nigerians are allowed to carry guns, in just a month everyone in Nigeria will be dead! But he stood firmly against his friends' opinion.

As they were still speaking, he called his fifteen years old son to go and buy alcohol and cigarette for him across the street. But the boy objects on the ground that their pastor had warned them not to buy those things for anyone.

The man became very angry with his son for disobeying him and he said to him, "I hope you can still remember how l nearly beat you to a state of coma last year because of this type of disobedience. Today, you are again inviting another of such beating upon yourself".

And the boy said to his father, "Daddy, thank your star that we are not allowed to carry guns in Nigeria. Had it been that we are allowed to carry guns in Nigeria, by now you would have been a bad forgotten history. That first day that you beat me would have been your last day on earth. I would have blown off your fucking brains. I searched for a gun, but l couldn't get one hence you are still breathing today".

And he said to his friends, " please, you people should pardon my ignorance. I now believed it even more than all of you ".

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