Friday 26 May 2023


Chief Ikpiri and his wife drove home after the usual Sunday service. They had their meal and set out for a book launch by a certain professor who was the family's friend. Mr Ikpiri was one of the guests of honour at the ceremony.

Just as they left the express road and followed another narrow road which leads to the launching venue, a wretched looking man appeared from a side of the road and flagged them to a stop. Immediately the car stopped, he walked to Mr Ikpiri and brought out an old one naira note. 

He stretched it to him saying, "Chief, take this money and give me just the sum of fifty thousand naira".

"Are you out of your mind? Do you look at me like one of those fools whom you can dupe? You mean, you flagged me down only for you to ask me to buy an old one naira note from you. I have really suffered", shouted Chief Ikpiri

He them said to him, " Chief, you and your wife are worth millions of naira and your life is Worth than the money.  Pay me the fifty thousand naira and take the money. You don't know what you are rejecting. It will saves your life one day".

And his wife said, "Darling, lets go. We are almost late, you know. How can you still be listening to this mad 419 who is looking for whom to dupe?"

Then chief Ikpiri kicked the car and moved. But he suddenly stopped again. He stretched out his head and called him. His wife became mad at him.
"Don't tell me that the charm of this 419 man has really hypnotized you. Wonders shall never cease to exist", she said.

Chief Ikpiri told the man that he has no such amount of cash with him except through transfer. The man gave him his account and phone numbers. Just as chief Ikpiri was about to transfer the money, he told the man that it takes up to a day or more before any money trannsferred through the phone would be received.

But the man told him that any money transferred to him won't takes up to a minute before he would receive it. Chief Ikpiri then looked at him and shook his head in disbelief because he owns the phone, that means, he knows how long it takes before delivery.

But just as the man said, about thirty seconds, chief Ikpiri has been debited. He became curious than ever because what he just witnessed hasn't happened before.
The man gave him the old one naira note and they drove off.

When they returned home, they told their friends and family members. They all laughed and told him that the man was a fraudulent person who was out there to dupe unsuspected victims. He decided not to put the money in his house but kept it in car's pigeonhole.

One, two, three four years after, nothing happened. One Saturday afternoon, chief Ikpiri and his wife were in the car going to a birthday party of their king in their village. They have driven about two kilometres. They got to the road that leads to the village and followed it. But as they just drove into the road, they observed a car coming behind them with a full speed and its lights were on.

Chief Ikpiri then made way for it to pass. The car overtook them and immediately barricaded the road. Then six fierce looking guys with bloodshot eyes came out, each brandishing an automatic rifle.

"Come out, you bloody chief. Today you and your wicked wife will be history. Both of you are very wicked. You are an employer of labour. You have a lot of workers but once any of them made a mistake, that is the end of his or her job. Not only that you would sack him or her but also without pay. Some have only a few days to the month end. They hope to pay their house rents, children's school fees, buy food, so on and so forth but your action would cause them an untold hardship. We are here today to kill you fools. Both of you don't deserve to live".

They dragged them out of the car and tied them up hands and feet. They made ready their rifles. And the leader of the gang said to his boys, "Go into the car and collect all their money and phones before we kill them".

Just as they were searching the car, they saw the old one naira note. And the leader said, "boys, this is our symbol which was used for our initiation! Remember that our boss warned us never to do any harm wherever place we find it".

They turned to the couple and said, " Nature has saved both of you today. Now go and stop your evil deed. Don't ever cause people to suffer. Both of you are like a goat which escaped out of the Lion's den!  The old one naira note which is our symbol saved both of you ".
They entered their car and drove off without taking anything. Later, other road users came to the spot and untied them. About a week later, their body was still trembling.
When they were discharged from the hospital, chief Ikpiri and his wife decided to call the man who sold the money to them to thร nk him and probably reward him handsomely for saving their life. But they could neither see the phone number nor even the transferred made to his account which has been there all the years.



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