Friday 12 May 2023


There was this woman who became very angry with her twelve years old daughter because she couldn't answer a question asked by her teacher in class.

"Look, look and let me tell you. Don't disgrace us in this family. We are Jehovah's witness and the Jehovah's witness are well known as ambassadors of Christ here on earth because just like Christ himself, no question you would ask them that they won't answer you correctly", she said to her daughter angrily.

DAUGHTER: But mum, there are certain questions that have answers but due to their sensitive nature, they would rather be avoided. Hence they can't be answered openly.

MOTHER: That is a pure lie from the pit of hell. Nothing that happens on this planet earth that we, the Jehovah's witness can't give an answer to. No how sensitive it may be. As the ambassadors of Christ, we answer every question without fear or favour. We don't lie; we stand always for the truth without hiding it.

DAUGHTER: Alright mum,  in that case; how did you give birth to me?

MOTHER: That is simple. I carried your pregnancy for nine months and l gave birth to you.

DAUGHTER: Just like that? I mean, what happened first before the pregnancy?

MOTHER: Well that is a top secret. Not everything parents tell their children.

DAUGHTER: Mum, remember that you are a member of the Jehovah's witness and you people always say the truth without fear or favour.

MOTHER: Yes, my daughter, you are right. You see, l slept side by side with your father on the bed. That's all.

DAUGHTER: So, mum, you mean that if a person just sleep side by side on the bed, she will just become pregnant?

MOTHER: Not just so. I mean you must sleep side by side on the bed with a man to become pregnant.

DAUGHTER: I want to also give birth like you did to me. I am going to look for a man to sleep side by side with.

MOTHER: Look here! I say look here, if you try anything funny, l repeat, if you try anything funny, your father would personally behead you and l your mother will dig the ground and bury you in. Idiot.

DAUGHTER: Did your own father personally behead you when you were sleeping side by side with my dad? Did your mother also dig the ground and buried you?

MOTHER: I think the discussion has come to an end. Go away.

DAUGHTER: Mum, you said that I disappointed myself, my teacher and my school for not answering my teacher's question. But here,you disgraced me your daughter, yourself and your entire religion.

Meanwhile, the father who has been listening to mother and daughter came out and said, "Like daughter, like mother. You were blaming the little girl for not answering her teacher's question and here you couldn't answer the little girl's simple question".

MOTHER: Is that so? You this useless husband. So you mean l should tell the little girl how both of us slept together in bed. Not so? I hope you still know me very well.
If you provoke me more than this, l will not hesitate to call the little girl down here now and tell how practically everything that took place in the bedroom. Lets see who will become ashamed.
Especially, your murmuring that you can jump into the ocean because of my love. That you can kill your mother for me to stay alive. That you can open your mouth wide for me to urinate and pupu into it for my love. That you can kill any of your family member to do ritual for me to have money to enjoy my life. That................? And the husband interrupted her and said:

It seems to me that your father's compound is calling you this afternoon.

She then replied her husband immediately, " you too, it seems that the family's elders council emergency meeting is calling you, idiot ".

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