Monday 22 May 2023


A woman and her husband were going on a visit when the husband saw a lady whom both of them attended the same secondary school and university. They embraced themselves and started to talk. After some minutes, the wife became impatient and angry. She challenged her husband saying, "Do you realized that I am your wife?
How dare you hug a woman in my present.

The husband then said to her, " Darling, calm down. I knew this lady right in the secondary school and in the university. I knew her very wellt".

When they got home, the wife demanded the sum of ten thousand naira, a wrapper and a pair of shoes from the husband or else she would sue him to court for adultery. The husband said he won't give her anything and he dared her to do her worst.

The wife sued her husband to court demanding the money and the other items.
The below is what transpired in the court.
JUDGE: Madam, this honourable court has cross examined your husband and found him not guilty on the allegation of adultery which you levelled against him.
He said that he saw a lady whom he knew way back in their secondary school and university days.He said he knew the said lady very well.

HOUSEWIFE: My Lord, l have a genuine proof to substantiate my allegation that my husband has been sleeping with this lady for a very long time.

JUDGE: If you can prove your case, this honourable court will not hesitate to grant you your request.

HUSBAND:  You this devil of a woman, l say no money, wrapper and shoes for you.  Over my dead body. You wasted your money and time in filing a suit against me. No Jupiter can make you to win this case. I must win you and also disgrace you.

HOUSEWIFE,: My lord, l am a very devoted Christian. I read the Holy Bible thoroughly and l believe that you are also a Christian. As Christians, we must obey every word of the Bible, my Lord.

JUDGE: Madam, l am a God fearing Christian and my judgement is always based on the parinciples of the Bible without fear or favour. Your husband only knew the lady and nothing else.

HOUSEWIFE: My lord,the Bible says and l quote, 'And Adam took Eve his wife and he KNEW her and conceived and born Cain, he again KNEW her and she conceived and born Abel, yet again, he KNEW her and she conceived and born Seth. Further more, and Isaac took Rebecca to be his wife and he KNEW her and she conceived and born Esau, yet again, he KNEW her and she conceived and born Jacob. My lord, God word just told us that the word, KNEW means love making.

JUDGE : I think you are right. I hereby declare you the winner and your request is hereby granted. Your husband is to deposit the money and the other things within seven days to this court. Case closed

The wife then mocks at her husband saying: l think say, you dey jump, jump like he goat dey follow women. God don catch you. Like play, like play you don jump enter my net. Your eye go clear O.
And make l warn you. Na original English single nor be Okirika or Abanayan O. And na Italian shoes O, nor be gbogbo O. The money na new naira notes nor be old naira notes O!

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