Wednesday 10 May 2023


A guy was seeing off his girlfriend who came to pay him a visit one late Sunday evening. As they cross the main road, they parted after they hugged and kissed each other.
Now, there is a very short way through a primary school down to the street where the girl lives.

As the girl took the lonely route all alone, the guy told her to walk faster because it is very dangerous for a girl to take such a route at that time of the night all alone.

Immediately the guy turned to go, a huge looking man walks past him in a jiffy going towards the same direction the girl was going. The guy became afraid and he ran after the girl shouting to her to wait for him because she forgot her phone with him.

But the girl replied him saying that her phone was with her. And the guy said, "Not your phone, l mean your transport fare". She then replied him, "Don't worry, no need of that, l will soon get home".

The guy then said to her, "look, there is something l want to tell you". As he got closer to the girl, he saw the man hugging her so closely and he went on.
The following ensued between her and his boyfriend.

BOYFRIEND: Darling didn't you see the danger ahead of you? That man can just drag you into the primary school and rape you hence l was calling you to stop; using tricks to tell you that you forgot your phone and transport.
You can see that he had already hugged you and if not that he saw me coming, the next thing is for him to drag you into one of the classrooms and rape you. But he became afraid when he saw me and he left.

GIRLFRIEND: Oh that man? Don't worry about him. He is our next door neighbour. I go in and out of his room daily fetching water for him, washing clothes for him and even cooking for him. At times, l relax there.

BOYFRIEND: Well, in that case, l have already lost the battle because to fetch water for a man, wash his clothes, Cook for him and relax in his room makes you his bonifide wife. Don't deceive me. Just say, he is your legal husband.

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