Sunday 2 April 2023


There was this compound where people don't mind their own business. Many of the tenants are gossipers and rumourmongers. They pry into one another's private affairs.

They always try to undo one another. A certain year, a poor man packed into the compound. The other tenants began to watch how he would be able to meet up with their usual Christmas extravagant spendings.

A day to Christmas, all the tenants bought various animals ranging from goats, rams, turkeys chickens and Guineafowl. In the evening, each of them began to slaughter whatever animal they bought. They quickly prepared stew and left for church.

As they were slaughtering the animals, they began to stole a glance at the man's kitchen often and often to see what type of animal, he bought for his family for the celebration of Christmas.

The man was only able to buy crabs for stew and he knows that if the tenants should know that he was not able to afford even a chicken would attracts mockery to him from them.

He then hatched a plan! When the other tenants had all gone to church, his wife quickly used the crabs to prepare stew. He then went to the various dustbins and collected different chickens' feathers. He kept the feathers inside the kitchen. In the morning, as the tenants started their gossip, he quickly called his children and said loudly, "you children should pack the feathers of the chickens and dispose them into the dustbin. The stew is ready, then what is the feathers still doing in the kitchen?"

The children then packed out about three different types of chickens feathers and disposed them into the dustbin. Some of the women who were already peeping saw the different feathers and they said, "neighbour, it seems you bought three fowls. You really ready for the Christmas". The news immediately circulated around the compound that he bought three chickens. He became the cynosure of all eyes!

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