Sunday 2 April 2023


Lagos has the same characteristic with Warri. Just like Lagos, Warri also have people who know nearly every things on earth and those who know next to nothing.


These ponzi schemes rendered many wafiarians penury and even sent many to their early graves. Then another PONZI SCHEMES came to Warri. They promised to give 50% on any amount you invested. But Warri people objected to this. They said that they would only invest if 100% is given on any amount they invested. That is if you invested N5000, you would get N5000 in return in addition to your N5000 for you to get N10,000 in total. The organizers and the investors finally reached an agreement on hundred percent on your first time of investing but after that, it would be fifty percent.

You know that he who used a bunch of banana which cost N400 to tempt a monkey knows that the monkey is worth more than the banana.

The ponzi organizers had planed to operate the scheme for two years and abscond with the people's money.

And so when they saw that if they play along with the people, at the end they would get their loot. After all, a patient dog eats the fastest bone. They then went to the bank and collected a loan of four billion naira. They then agreed to pay the hundred percent on any first time, investor but after that it would be fifty percent.

And so the people decided to hit the ponzi scheme once and run to avenge what they suffered in the past on the hands of other ponzi.

So, they went to borrow money from the banks and everybody invested nothing less than three million naira. That month, the scheme exhausted the four billion naira they borrowed from the banks to pay the ancestors. But as the investors received their alerts from their banks that they have been paid hundred percent, they closed their accounts with the ponzi organizers.

The organizers began to beg the people using the media. They said that they would commit suicide because there was no way they could pay. And also they were not the ones who dubbed them in the time past.

The people told them that if someone steals in Lagos and another robber is killed in Warri means no different because stealing is stealing.

The people told them to commit suicide very fast if they so wished because there is enough space in the cemetery. After all, when the other ponzi schemes scammed the people, those who committed suicide out of frustration didn't announce that they wanted to commit suicide before they did.

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