Sunday 2 April 2023


Once upon a time, a certain guy fell in love with a young lady.  The second day, the lady asked the guy what he does for a living. The guy lied to her that he was a trader. But the lady later found out that the guy was a leader of an arm robbery gang.

She then told the guy that the relationship won't work.
The guy pleaded to to her that he was madly in love with her.

The lady then said, "my dear, not that I don't love you but you see, the day that the night guard tells his boss about the dream he had about him would be his last working day.  A hungry lion saw a hunter with a gun in the forest hunting, but the hunter didn't see the lion. But rather than prey on the helpless hunter and ate him up, the lion simply sneaked away.

When the Forest asked the lion his reason for abandoning the free food, he said, "you see, if I should kill the hunter and eat him up would tantamount to declaration of war on all the animals in the forest by the hunters. Then, not only me that would be killed but the entire lion pride and other animals as well. So, for peace to reign, let the hunter go in peace for everyone to live in peace".

" But dear, I don't understand your parable ", said the guy. And the lady said, "well, my father is the leader of the state anti robbery squad. He has nothing like forgiveness in his dictionary".

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