Sunday 2 April 2023


There was this four junction which formed a cross. The daily traffic congestion at this junction was always terrific. The daily logjam was as a result of stubborn motorists who were not ready to obey traffic policemen at the junction. The worst traffic traffic law violators were the tricycle riders ( KEKE DRIVERS )

All efforts by the various authorities to decongest the daily traffic logjam was in futility. The various road users want to always be at the front. Law enforcement agents were not left out as in most cases, when the traffic policemen confront them, they would use their position in the force to intimidate the policemen.

The drivers in most cases formed four queues on each of the lanes instead of just one as it supposed to be.

The state government then decided to cure the stubborn ailment with a stubborn pill. They bought four giant looking cows with long horns and tied each at the side of the road.

Immediately, the motorists got to the position of the cows, they would immediately join the single queue as to avoid getting closer to the cows. Nobody wanted to get his or her car damaged by the cow which they know can't be held responsible for any damaged incurred.

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