Sunday 2 April 2023


A certain man went to a shop where trackers are sold and requested for two active trackers. When he had paid for them the seller brought them out and said, "sir, here are the trackers, now where are the vehicles that I am fixing them on?"

And the man said to him, "you see, l am a landlord with a very beautiful looking wife. I have five tenants in my compound and they are all bachelors.

Recently, l observed that they are secretly sleeping with my wife. I them gave them a quit notice. They became violent at me. They threatened to go away from the compound with both my wife and my house.

That is why l want to put these trackers on my wife and the house so that wherever they take them to, I can easily track them.

He then took the two trackers and left.

Six months later, he went to thank the trackers seller and the following dialogue ensued between them.

LANDLORD:  Good afternoon sir.

TRADER:  Good afternoon sir. What do you want to buy?

LANDLORD:  Don't you remember me again? I am the man who bought two trackers from you six months ago to track my wife and house.

TRADER:  Yes, yes! I remember you now. So is it? Have you been able to track any of them? Did they work perfectly?

LANDLORD: I really appreciate you for those trackers.
Although, they never work that is because they have never stolen the house or sleep with my wife. But any day they venture to either steal the house or sleep with my wife, the trackers would track them.

TRADER:  Have you slept with your wife since you put the tracker on her?

LANDLORD:  Yes, many times!

TRADER:  Was the tracker able to track you?

LANDLORD: No, because, she always removes the tracker before we make love so that it won't catch me.

TRADER: Don't you also think that she would also removes it whenever she wants to sleep with other?

LANDLORD: Yes, yes, what a fool I am!

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