He then entered. There were three other men in the car. When they have gone half a kilometre, they said to him.
OCCUPANTS: Please, Mr. We are sorry to tell you that we are ritualists! It is our policy to informed anybody we kidnapped our intention of kidnapping him or her before we finally used such a person for money rituals.
So, we are going to use you for money rituals and we are sorry about it.
But the man didn't answer them. After about two poles drive, they said to him again.
OCCUPANTS: Didn't you understand us? We said we are going to use you for money rituals. That is to kill you.
PASSENGER: I heard and understood you quite well. Let's go.
After some minutes, they parked the car off the road.
OCCUPANTS Oga, we are ritualists and we are going to use you for money rituals. We hope you know what it means?
PASSENGER: What is your stress?
Are you all amateur in kidnapping?
Haven't you kidnapped before?
Why are you worried?
I am the one who should be worried and not you.
I am not worried. I said let's go; l am ready!
After some minutes drive, they parked again and they said to him: I beg, come down. We don't know whom you are.
Don't come and give us trouble.
How can someone be told that he is going to be killed and he is even happier? Carry your trouble forward, we don't need people like you!
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