Sunday 13 October 2024


There was this guy a well-known womanizer. One day a young female journalist who just graduated went to have an interview with him as her first assignment.
The following ensued between them.

JOURNALIST: Sir, you are very famous in the social media as a chronic womanizer. What makes you to have this extraordinary love and attachment for ladies and what types of ladies are your favourite?

WOMANIZER: Well, it is natural. I love young ladies, especially the educated ones.

JOURNALIST: For how long can you stay with a lady and how many round can you go?

WOMANIZER: Well, for young ladies like you, l usually stay with them for two hours and in that two hours, l go sixty rounds!

JOURNALIST: Now, let's talk about the size of your manhood. Is it thin and long or thin and fat or long and fat?

JOURNALIST: Well, very fat and long!

JOURNALIST: Thank you sir. At least the world would know more about you now. See you again.

WOMANIZER: Well, young lady. Not that easy or fast.
You see, we are Africans. And one of our uniqueness is the entertainment of visitors! Whenever someone visits an African, he or she is usually entertained. Now, that you have known all about me, l think, l should entertain you.

JOURNALIST: With all pleasure sir.

WOMANIZER: Let's go into my bedroom.


WOMANIZER: You have known about the duration of my power, the the size and length. Now you should see it, touch it, feel it and receive it.

JOURNALIST: Thank you sir. That is not necessary.

WOMANIZER: You see, when Mr Goat and Mr Lion go out there to hunt. Mr Goat should have known that whether they have something from the hunting or not, Mr Lion must cook with meat.

JOURNALIST: But sir, from this your parable, where will Mr Lion get either the meat or fish from to cook if they didn't get anything from the hunting?

WOMANIZER: Action speaks louder than voice. In a moment you will know. And he ...................................?
The rest became history! Your guess is as good as mine.

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