Sunday 1 September 2024


There is this twelve years old boy whom his grandfather named 'Animal'. The name became a great source of embarrassment to him both on the streets and at school. He lives with his grandfather but he didn't know that it was his grandfather who gave him the name and so he went to his mother and the following ensued between them.

BOY: Mum, why did you have to give Animal to me as my name? Do you know the embarrassment l receive daily because of this name? I can't continue to bear it anymore.

MOTHER: Well, my son. You see, l wasn't the one who gave you the name but my father, that's your grandfather whom you are presently living with. Go and ask him the reason why he gave you such a demeaning and horrible name.

Back home to his grandfather.

BOY: Grandpa, my mother says you are the one who gave Animal to me as my name. Why did you have to give me such an embarrassing name? I can no longer stand the embarrassment. Change it now.

GRANDPA: My grandson, you see, l rear fowls and goats.
I started with one hen and five cocks. Daily the five cocks mate with the only female hen. They take turn on her and yet she didn't complaint. She seems to enjoy it.

Then she lays eggs and finally hatches them into chicks. The same thing is applicable to the goats. I started with one she goat and five he goats. Daily, the he goats mate with the she goat in turns. Finally, she became pregnant and delivered eight kids and so she continues till date. Neither the hen nor the she goat complain because they are animal and that is animal life for you.

My son, now let's face the reality. I gave birth to your mother in this village. But do you know that all the men in this village and the neighbouring villages both young and old had slept with your mother just as all the cocks take turn to mate with the hen and the he goats with the only she goat?

Now among all the five cocks that mate with the hen to have the chicks, which of them can the chicks say is their father? None, because they are animal. Now, which one can the kids say is their real father among the five he goats? None, because they are animal.
Now, my grandson, who can your mother say now among the hundreds of men who had slept with her that he is your father? None! That is why l gave you "Animal" So, my son that name is not bad for you.


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