Sunday 15 September 2024




Long ago, there lived a barren woman named Pikipi-Pikipi.
When she saw that she can't have babies of her own, she then decided to abduct other women's children and cater for them. She prowled the earth for vulnerable babies. Woe to any mother who carelessly leaves her child or children all alone. She would abduct them without delay and take them to her abode. 

She has a very big compound where she keeps the babies and take care of them. Woe to any mother who would confront her if at all she abducted her baby. 
She was diabolically fortified and so she easily defeats her opponents. Now, there was also this singled mother named Yomiley-Yomiley. She had only one son named Herculy.
She loves her only son, Herculy-Herculy very much.

One early morning, she rushed  to get some firewood, while her son, Herculy-Herculy was still sleeping. She returned about thirty minutes later only for her to discovered that her teenage son whom was sleeping peacefully before she left was nowhere to be found. Now, this boy was just only nine years old. She became wild! 

She reasoned that her missing son could be the handiwork of Pikipi-Pikipi the barren woman. She knew that if actually she was the one who abducted him, to get him back would not be an easy task. She then embarked on a search for the boy.  She finally found him amongst hundreds of other children in the compound of Pikipi-Pikipi the barren woman.


Now, Pikipi-pikipi, the barren woman who was always very watchful anytime she abducted children, knew that none of the abductees' parents could pose a threat to her except Herculy-Herculy's mother. Hence she remained high alert.
When she saw Yomily-Yomily walking briskly into her compound, she quickly blocked her.

"Pikipi-Pikipi, the barren woman. How dare you came into my room to abduct my only son?" Yomily asked her angrily.

"What do you mean, l came into your room to abduct your only son? Look here, my friend. If you have nothing reasonable to say, l will advise you to please leave my compound. You can't just walk into my compound and start to heap false allegations against me. I will not sit down and watch you insult me. I can go into any house and take any baby or babies l want as far the parents are not around.

And for your information, any child that l have brought into this my compound will never go out again. Just take a good look at the children. Are they not doing pretty well? 
Are they complaining? Have they eaten as much meal as they eat here when they were with their poverty stricken parents? Madam, your case is a forgotten case. The boy in question is no longer your son but mine. Go and sleep", Pikipi-Pikipi said.


Yomily-Yomily was angered by these utterances by Pikipi-Pikipi the, barren woman. She knew that she was diabolically fortified and so she left to prepare for a showdown with her. 

Pikipi-Pikipi the barren woman knew that Yomily-Yomily will return for a fight to finish and so she also got herself well prepared. Soon, she saw Yomily-Yomily coming down to her furiously. She came and stood at the gate.

"I know that you are a witch but l must tell you that your witchcraft will come to an end with this my only son whom you abducted. I will not leave this premises without my son", Yomily-Yomily said.

"A hen that is able to crow can no longer be called a hen but a cock. My dear barren woman, you have touched the viper by its tail and you must get its poisonous venoms", said Yomily-Yomily angrily.

PIKIPI-PIKIPI: That is interesting. May l remind you that the poisonous venoms of the viper can't harm the defensive shell of the Oyster. I will ever respect you if you can take your son out of this premises just as you have just said.
I am Pikipi-Pikipi the barren woman. Anyone who looks into my mirror shall never see any good in it.


YOMILEY-YOMILEY: I am the honey Badger. I crack every shell including stones! I shall crack the shell of the Oyster and devour its flesh. No one can boast of the heat of the fire like he was burnt to death.

PIKIPI-PIKIPI: The antidote of the honey Badger is the tailored ants and the soldier ants. They will in no time be your guests. 
She recited some incarnations and behold a colony of tailored ants and soldier ants emerged in their millions.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho! Ho!, she laughed as they chased Yomiley-Yomiley away.
Let's see how you beast will take your son. In no time, you will be history. They will eat every part of your useless body.

And Yomiley-Yomiley recited some incarnations and millions of armadillos and pangolins appeared. These are voracious eaters of any type of ants!
In minutes, all the ants were gone! And she returned to the compound. Pikipi-Pikipi was very angry when she saw her alive! "You this demon, how did you manage to escaped?
Where are the ants?

YOMILEY-YOMILEY: Go into the forest and ask the armadillos and the pangolins. They said l should thank you for feeding them so graciously. May you be blessed for the palatable meal. Now, can l have my baby? At least, the little lesson that you have so far learnt is a clear indication that you can't fight me. I shall take my baby boy whether you like it or not.

PIKIPI-PIKIPI: It is time for physical strength. Power for power. Come into the compound now and take it, except you are a seven headed demon.

And Yomiley-Yomiley flew into the compound with a whirlwind, lightning flashes and thunderbolt.


When Pikipi-Pikipi the barren woman saw that despite her barricades and warning, Yomiley-Yomiley still entered into the compound, she shut up the compound from every sides with Yomiley-Yomiley inside. Now, as she tried to carry her son, Pikipi-Pikipi the barren woman held her hairs and pulled her backward.

There was a fierce fighting between them for four days. Then, both of them became weak and they sat down to rest for awhile. Yomiley-Yomiley then asked Pikipi-Pikipi to open the door so that she can go away.

Pikipi-Pikipi the barren woman became very happy to hear that. "Yes, l have won her. She will now leave the children for me. Thumb up for my gallantry performance", she hailed herself. But Yomiley-Yomiley  has an ulterior motive.
Just as Pikipi-Pikipi the barren woman opened the compound, she held her from the back and commanded all the children to run out to their various homes.

As they struggled, the children continue to flee for their safety. Pikipi-Pikipi the barren woman watched in disbelief as all the children she had gathered for years regained their freedom. She became extremely red with anger!
And she said to Yomiley-Yomiley, "You will surely regret all that you did here today. I must kill you".

She ran into her shrine to get herself well fortified.
But when she returned, Yomiley-Yomiley had gone.


She looked round her big compound that was filed with children few hours ago but now completely empty. She could hardly believed if it was reality or a dream. How can an empire of children which she had created over the years be destroyed by a woman like herself. "No, l can let this go unpublished", she said as she chanted some incarnations and off she flew to combat Yomiley-Yomiley.

Meanwhile, Yomiley-Yomiley had started unifying the children with their various parents. It was a heaven on earth for these bereaved parents who thought they could never see their beloved children again. But their joy was short lived as Pikipi-Pikipi the barren woman appeared from the blues. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho! Ho!!!", she laughed on seeing what Yomiley-Yomiley was doing.

"So you bitch think that you can destroyed my empire and go scots free? No way! Your cup of evil has overflowed. I am not only going to kill you but also these useless parents and thereafter carry away all the children without any opposition", she threatened.

YOMILEY-YOMILEY: WELL,  my dear evil woman; who troubles the earth. I knew that you will surely come to reap where you didn't sow. Hence l am fully ready for you. A million of fool of your type can't even lift one of my fingers let alone to combat me. Remember that 'the vexation which does not take the power of its owner into consideration before erupting will also be put to shame when its owner suffered a humiliating defeat'.


PIKIPI-PIKIPI: The smartness of the morning squirrel ends up in the hunter's pepper soup.

YOMILEY-YOMILEY: The calmness nature of the freshwater is the greatest trap on earth because it hides the dangerous crocodiles.

PIKIPI-PIKIPI: By nature, l am four times bigger than you. It will be counterproductive for the rat to challenge the cat to a duel. You are just too small to combat me. Better surrender now before it will become too late for you.

YOMILEY-YOMILEY: The strength of a hero is never measured by the size of his chest but by the size of his sense.

PIKIPI-PIKIPI: You will become afraid of me after l would have taught you a bitter lesson of your useless life. Anytime you heard about me your heart will pant. You will run anytime you heard the word "trouble or war". When the drums of war will sound, you will run and hide.

YOMILEY-YOMILEY: A brave warrior never turns his back on the battle at the drums of war!

Now, Pikipi-Pikipi the barren woman moved forward to grab some of the children. But Yomiley-Yomiley held her and a big fighting started!

They fought for days without anyone gaining the upper hand. When Yomiley-Yomiley saw that she was making no headways, she magically threw some ashes into the air and that did the magic, Pikipi-Pikipi the barren woman became extremely weak!
Yomiley-Yomiley then got the upper hand. She held her to the hard floor and began to pound her repeatedly. She was closer to death and she called her shrine to send her help. The shrine sent down some smallish demons called "Alalakaya" to help her.

In no time, the Alalakaya appeared! They all descended on Yomiley-Yomiley in a blind fury. But the well fortified Yomiley-Yomiley stood her ground for days! She smashed many of them on rocks. But the more, she tried her best, the more the Alalakaya multiplied in numbers. Soon, they gained the upper hand. They descended on her and totally covered her down.

Now, her son, Herculey-Herculey was watching all the happenings helplessly. But when he saw that his only survival would also be for his mother to be alive, he sets fire to some dried grasses and threw them into the midst of the enemies. Many were hurt by the fire. They turned towards him and held him. They tied him up and decided to sacrifice him to the Alalakayas.

When Yomiley-Yomiley heard the distress cries of her only son, she called out loudly: 

"Lord of the universe! The mother hen can't keep quiet  at the cries of its chick.
The sky can't be frightened by the rumbling of the thunder.
The eagle can't soar for days without perching!
Return my strength for me to defeat the oppressors".
The Petypety is the only animal that feeds on his own body to live, yet remains alive!

She pushed aside her enemies and surged forward furiously and grabbed them. She pushed them off her son and she flew away with him. But they pursued after her. She stopped at the foot of an lroko tree. But little did she know that the lroko tree is a safe haven of the earthly spiritual forces whom she was fighting against. It was like running directly into the hands of your enemy! What would she do now?


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