Saturday 17 June 2023


One afternoon Junior returned from school and went to the shop to meet his parents. 
His mother had adorned herself beautifully and she sat at the front of the shop opposite the main road.

Based on what he was taught at school that day, the following ensued between him and his father.

JUNIOR: Dad, our teacher taught us in class today about the two world wars that took place many years ago according to history. The first world war and the second world war.
Now, what could have caused the entire world to go into war, Dad?

JUNIOR'S FATHER: Simple, my son. Imagine the way your mother has adorned herself and sitting opposite the road like a prostitute who is looking for customers. One man can just walks down to her now and begins to chat with her mistaking her for a prostitute. And l, being her husband can't just fold my hands and watch them. 

I will challenge the man and he will also challenge me. For a man to challenge me because of my wife will amount to a declaration of war as l will slap him and he too will slap me and before you know it, my family members will join me and his family members will join him too and before you know it, a world war has begun!

And Junior's mother who has been listening to her husband said to him, "Who are you referring to as a prostitute? I say to you that it is your mother and your sisters that you are referring to as prostitutes"

JUNIOR'S FATHER: You this animal, is it my mother and sisters you are calling prostitutes? Your cup don full today.
And he slapped Junior's mother and a big fight ensued. Some Passersby came and cautioned Junior's father telling him that if he doesn't let go off his wife's dress, they will beat him up. Others cautioned Junior's mother telling her to respect her husband or else they will beat her up too.

When Junior saw how his question played out, he intervened and said, "Enough Dad and mum. Practical is better than theory. I have seen how a world war begins.
Thanks for the free practical".

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