Sunday 14 May 2023


One evening, a certain hospital received two injured persons. Both of them were in a state of coma. One was a female and the other a male. The female had deep cuts all over her body which looked like the bites of either a shark or that of a whale. The male on the other hand, had all his toes and legs broken, bruised and badly battered.
Three days later, they regained consciousness. The following ensued between them and the doctor in charged. He asked them if they were husband and wife.
They said that they were brother and sister.

DOCTOR: Now, madam, can you tell me what really happened to you?

FEMALE PATIENT: Thank you sir. You see, my parents have ten children. Right from when we were kids, our mother always tells us that before she had each of our pregnancies, lizards fell on her body. She further told us that anytime she wants to become pregnant, she would just walk into the forests looking for lizards to fall on her body so that she could become pregnant in no time. She said that no how far off the lizard may be, she would chase after it pushing her body closer to it.

Now, l have been married for thirteen years without a child. So, recently, l just remembered what my mother did to have our pregnancies. I then decided to go into the forests to look for lizards to fall on my body to give me the luck of pregnancy. I jumped on many lizards but all to no avail. It was then someone told me that perhaps the lizards were too small and so she showed me a certain pool of water with giant lizards.

I then went into the water so that those giant lizards can jump into my body. I was told that the bigger the lizards, the much children you will have. As l got closer to them so that they can jump on my body, they rushed at me and that was all l can still remember for now".

DOCTOR: You went to jump on the bodies of hungry African crocodiles?! Thank God, the pool keepers were handy else you would have become history. 

DOCTOR: Now, my brother, can you tell me your own case? Because, l learnt that both of you are from the same parents.

MALE PATIENT: Thank you doctor. You see, my father is a very successful man. He has chain of businesses and physical cash in the neighborhood of about five hundred million naira. He told us that he became rich by luck and not by hardworking. He said that anytime he was going on a business trip, he would strikes his toes on a hard object and that would give him a luck and the business would become successful.

Presently, l am forty years old and the first child of my parents. At forty years of age, no wife, no money and nothing for me to show on earth that I am a human being. Poverty has built his temple on my body. Then, recently, l remembered the techniques my father used to acquired his wealth.

Last week, l wrote four applications to different companies for employment and l decided to strike my toes and feet on any available hard object for me to have luck to get the jobs. I have been doing this daily for a week now,  kicking stones, rocks, steels and concretes, hence all my feet and toes became damaged.

DOCTOR: That is nice of both of you brother and sister. Now, l would like to know if both of you would still like to continue trying your luck after you have been discharged?

Both of them said that they would still try because it is said that, "when you failed once, try, try and try again. That for you to succeed in life,  never allow the first time failure to discourage you".

DOCTOR: I must say that I salute both of you for your courageous acts. My advice to you my sister, is that,  next time, go straight to the Nile River crocodiles. They are the biggest giant lizards in the whole world!  Each weighing about two tonnes. If that one jumps on you at once; it is straight duodecaplets, that is twelve babies at once.
And you, my brother, next time go straight to either the mountain Kilimanjaro or mountain Everest. These are the biggest and the strongest hard objects in the whole world. Once kicking of them very hard can give you the luck to become richer even than Dangote. Good luck to both of you.

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