Sunday 2 April 2023


One day, a man found himself in the city of mad people. All the residents were naked! He was the only person putting on clothes amongst the people.

They began to look at him in an amazement. One of them came closer to him and said, "Mr, we are sorry; we don't tolerate mad people here. So, for your own good, leave this city immediately or else, our people will begin to cast pebbles at you".

And the man said, "you really funny my dear because you the one who is naked is the one that is mad not I with clothes on. Come to my town and you would see some mad fellows like you in nude walking about in the town. They are the mad people not the ones with clothes on".

The mad fellow then said to him, "yes, that is why you are the mad fellow here. In your town, all those of you putting on clothes are the normal people while those without cloth are termed mad. You are right to call them mad people because majority win the vote.

The same thing is applicable here. Since all of us are naked and you alone is putting on clothes shows clearly that you are the mad fellow amongst us".

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