Now, in this university, there were a lot of randy male lecturers. The most fierce and notable one amongst them was a professor called, "Bigidash" aka 'torpedo, the never missed bullet" There was a rumoured that he sleeps with 95 percent of the female students.
One day, this paragon of beauty female student went to his office and the following ensued between them.
STUDENT: Good afternoon sir, prof.
LECTURER: Good afternoon, Miss Gospel, l supposed.
STUDENT: You are very right sir. Miss Gospel.
LECTURER: You are welcome to my office. This is the first time over four years that you have been in this school that we have spoken and also for you to have come into my office. I hope nothing wrong?
STUDENT: Not at all! My graduation is getting closer and l just decided to use this opportunity to greet and familiarize myself with all the lecturers before l will finally leave.
LECTURER: That is very kind and thoughtful of you. This is the first time l have witnessed this type of good behaviour from any student. You are highly welcome. Get seated and let me offer you wine.
STUDENT: No sir. You know this is your office and a lot of students and your colleagues frequently come here. If you really want to buy me drink or anything, then let make it on Sunday so that you can take me out.
LECTURER: Well, that can't be possible because l shall be very busy on Sunday.
STUDENT: Alright, let's make it Saturday then.
LECTURER: Saturday, l shall be going to a party.
STUDENT: Sir, it seems you are avoiding me?
Have l offended you in any way?
Look, prof, when a scarce commodity comes your way in a very cheap rate just in form of a blessing, you grab it with a speed of a lightning flash!
LECTURER: Yes, but also remember that "those whom the gods want to destroy, they first blessed them".
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