Saturday, 6 April 2024

THIS IS AFRICA NATURAL STORIES. The main reason why the army is the leading force in Africa.

In the African folklore, the leading force in Africa was the police who were saddled with the security of lives and properties of the citizenry. At a time, the army came to take over the police's leading power. But the single squad soldier called "AFRACAMA" was chased after and he fled into an avenue and hid himself.


Now, the leader of the continent ordered the police to go after him and get him arrested, dead or alive! A bounty of promotion and cash was promised as a prize for whosoever that can arrest him.

Now, there was a certain policeman who was well known for his boldness and tenacity. He volunteered to go into the avenue to arrest him. And so he went there without his rifle but with a handcuffs hidden under his clothes. 
He raised his hands up as he entered into the avenue for safety reason.

The following ensued between them.

POLICE:  General salute to you sir.

SOLDIER: Carry on.

POLICE: So, these people chased you down here.
Don't they know who you are?


POLICE: You have been here for days now. Are you not hungry?

SOLDIER: I am hungry, but what can I do?

POLICE: Do you care for some food?

SOLDIER: No, don't worry.

POLICE: Do you want some ammunitions?

SOLDIER: Oh, no! I have enough ammunitions to last for months.

POLICE: I feel like spending the night with you here. I hate the way, they treated you. Is there anything you want me to do for you immediately?

SOLDIER: I want to go out to buy food. I would like you to give me your uniform to put on so that l can pass the gate because l learnt that this avenue is completely surrounded by the police. I also learnt that the president is also outside the gate waiting for my arrest. 

And so the policeman gave him his uniform and he put it on. He left his rifle. When he got to the gate, they thought he was the policeman who went inside the avenue going out to buy something and so they didn't give him any serious attention as far, the uniform man that passed through the gate was not a soldier.

Immediately, he got into the city, he procured heavy arms and ammunitions and he invaded the presidential Lodge and took over power. Before they knew what was happening, AFRACAMA had taken over the continent.
From that day, till now, the military have been the most powerful force dreaded by all the other forces. 

                                    THE END.
This story teaches us that 'surprise' is always the name of the game of war. A man trained for war must always be prepared, at any degree, second, minute, hour etc. No excuse!


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