Sunday, 31 March 2024

GBA-GBOS LIVE! ( When Satan fought back successfully )


There was this piece of land where a shrine was. The shrine was later abandoned. The land was opened and a certain pastor established a Church on it against the warning of the owner of the land. The pastor argued that instead of the land to remain waste he would rather build a church in it. But the owner insisted that it belongs to Satan.

He built the church and named it:  "I LOVE JESUS AND HATE SATAN".

Within three months, the church had an overwhelmingly members. The pastor erected the signpost boldly at the front: 'I LOVE JESUS AND HATE SATAN'
One night there was a heavy storm. Many buildings and trees were either broken or blown off by the destructive storm.

The church signpost was broken down. The next morning when the pastor came, he saw the signpost broken,
He then told the gateman to help him to nail it together and erect it back.

Unfortunately, the gateman was an illiterate who could neither read nor write.
The signpost was broken into three parts.
He only saw the first and the last parts. Now the part 'JESUS AND HATE' was off and he joined the first and the last and erected it back. 
It reads like this.


                            I LOVE SATAN.
From that day all the teeming members left and the church was later vandalized.

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