Sunday 2 April 2023


There was this deaf and dumb lady that was raped by a man. Her family got the man arrested and took the matter to court.  They hired the services of a lawyer to argue their case as to convict the rapist and have him sentenced to jail.

Now, on the first day of the case in court, the court was thrown into an amusement park as the victim thought the judge did not understand what the case was all about; and so she decided to show to the entire court what really took place.

She walked out of her dock and went to the dock where the suspect was and pulled him out to herself and she stripped herself naked and lied on the floor of the courtroom and she pulled the suspect to lie on her top.

Many ran out of the courtroom due to the  embarrassment. But the judge told the court to be calm and learn one or two things from the scene.

But the suspect walked away from her and went back into the dock. But the lady remained there in nude with her legs spreads apart. After sometimes, she stood and dressed up.

Her lawyer then asked the suspect why did he walk away from the lady when she voluntarily offered herself to him but forced her when she was not willing.

The suspect then said, "my Lord, some food are more delicious when gotten by force than when gotten voluntarily".


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