Junior who was only seven years old was the only male child amongst the five children of his parents. His four elder sisters were between the ages of twelve to sixteen years respectively. Now their parents became suspicious of their daughters that they were already dating men in their teenage. And so they said to Junior one day, "look here Junior, anytime a male comes into the house to meet any one of your sisters and he or your sister tells you to go outside and play and they are heading towards the bedroom never allow them. Say to them loudly, "l can't allow you people to do that nonsense inside this room. Get out you fools! You see my son, any female that you see with a male going into the room are going there for evil". One Sunday afternoon after church service, Junior's parents decided to relax in the bed room and the father held the mother's arms and said, "Junior, please go outside and play; mummy and daddy want to relax", As both of them were going into the bedroom, Junior shouted on top of his voice saying, "l can't allow you people to do that nonsense inside the room. Get out, you fools!"
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